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Call for Presentations Instructions
All submissions MUST be submitted using the parameters specified. Please complete each task to submit your proposal. This information is requested for inclusion in continuing education applications and all tasks and requested information must be completed by all submitting presenters regardless of specific credentials.
The following items must be completed for all submissions:
- Submission Type:
Choose if you are submitting a proposal for a workshop or poster:
- Workshops - Workshop presentations are 90 minutes in length. Workshop presentations may include up to three (3) speakers. In some instances, the Workshop Committee may make suggestions to combine presentations similar in content into one workshop.
- Posters - Poster Author Sessions are Monday at 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. and at 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. It is mandatory that all authors are present at the Poster Board to discuss the poster and answer questions.
- Workshop or Poster - If you do not have a preference between a workshop or poster presentation, please select this option.
- Presenter(s) Demographic Information
- Recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume for Each Presenter Listed
(Note: The CV/Resume must include your highest earned degree, the institution awarding the degree, and the year the degree was awarded in the area of specialization)
- Presenter(s) Agreement
- Proposal Details
- Presentation Title
A proposal must have a short, specific presentation title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the presentation.
- Topic
Select a category that best fits your presentation from the following (for complete Category listing and information, please reference the conference website).
- Patient Care & Best Practices
- Community Partners & the Continuum of Care
- Public Policy/Regulatory and Financial Issues
- Opioid Abuse as a Public Health Crisis and Overdose as an Epidemic
- Workforce Development
- Target Audience
Select the target audience from the list below:
- Counselors
- Social Workers
- Physicians/Clinicians/Pharmacists
- Peer Recovery Specialists/Coaches
- Nurses
- Administrators
- Other
- Presentation Summary
This short summary (maximum 100 words or 500 characters) will describe your presentation and, if selected, will be used in all publications.
- Presentation Introduction
This introduction shosuld be a maximum of 500 words or 2500 characters.
- Presentation Proposal
Provide a full description of your presentation. This should be a maximum of 1000 words or 5000 characters.
- Presentation Outcome-Orientated Educational Objectives (See below under 'Useful Tips')
A learning objective is a statement that describes the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that participants will gain from the educational activity. The three (3) objectives should be written in measureable terms.
- Additional Information
A short questionnaire regarding your presentation.
- Reference List
Provide a minimum of three (3) scientific references, no older than 5-7 years, utilized in the preparation of the workshop content and/or a minimum of three (3) scientific reference, no older than 5-7 years, in support of the poster content.
- Financial Disclosures
In order for the AATOD Conference to qualify for awarding continuing education credits, all presenters listed on the submission are required to complete and disclose any and all financial relationships.
Useful Tips